Parameters and Limits logic components namely logic gates and memory are usually packed on an IC (integrated circuit) or chip. Two basic technologies in digital IC industry is bipolar and MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors). MOS technology dominates the field of SSI (small scale integration) because with this larger number of MOSFETs can be packed in the same chip size, besides a very low power needs to give its own advantages for CMOS. A digital family is a component that is compatible with Iogika level and the same supply voltage. Compatible means can connect the output of a particular device with the input of other devices. This compatibility allows various combinations that differ in the number besar.Desain which are widely used in the past is the DTL (diode transistor logic)
using diodes and transistors. Design TTL (transistor-transistor logic) that
using the transistor current to the most popular family in
shale SSI and MSI (medium scale integration). While ECL (emitter coupled
logic) is the fastest logic family are widely used in
various applications that require high speed.

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