
Hypertension is a common health problem in the community. Many people who suffer from the disease, but did not realize it. Hypertension is a degenerative disease and hypertension is a disease that is usually handled with ease, but when on leave without treatment can cause more severe complications.The highest prevalence of hypertension were women (25%) and in men (24%). Data Riskesdas mention Hypertension is the number three cause of death after stroke and tuberculosis. Based on data in Puskesmas Kelurahan Warakas Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta District bulam during March - May 2009 from patient visits totaling 8353 people, there are 982 people who suffer from hypertension (11.7%)Based on statistical data and the level of severity that requires treatment as soon as possible to reduce morbidity and mortality and prevent complications that continues, then the writer is interested in providing nursing care, especially family Tn.M Tn.M on Rt 11 Rw 04 Warakas Kelurahan Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta District

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